Towards a Green Iraq

June 2023 ongoing
Self funded
Self funded
Target group
Woman teachers and women living in camp settings
The Towards a Green Iraq (TAGI) project, a pilot project by Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation (BHHF) aims to increase knowledge and awareness on climate concerns and the local environment through educating teachers and students at select schools and camps on how to cultivate and care for local tree seeds, connecting students with natural elements through school ground greening initiatives and fostering healthy connections with the environment for positive health, wellbeing, social and educational outcomes.

The Towards a Green Iraq (TAGI) project, a pilot project by Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation (BHHF) aims to increase knowledge and awareness on climate concerns and the local environment through educating teachers and students at select schools and camps on how to cultivate and care for local tree seeds, connecting students with natural elements through school ground greening initiatives and fostering healthy connections with the environment for positive health, wellbeing, social and educational outcomes. 

Programme Partners

3.1 million

People in need helped across the globe

$149 million

Worth of goods distributed across the world

394 loads

Of humanitarian aid shipped across the globe

14.5 million

Treatments and hygiene items delivered

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