Solar light distribution

2 years
Target group
Refugee and IDP camp residents
To provide sustainable and safe energy solutions to refugee and internally displaced persons (IDP) camp residents through the distribution of portable solar energy systems, thereby ensuring continuous access to lighting and electricity charging for households in partnership with WakaWaka. Bring Hope Energy ensured access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) by providing portable solar solutions, thus promoting inclusive, safe, and resilient settlements.

Bring Hope Energy has focused on sustainable and safe sources of energy for refugee and IDP camp residents, due to constant power outages in camps. We provide portable solar energy solutions delivered to households through partnership with WakaWaka, enabling continual and safe sources of light and electricity charging for families.

3.1 million

People in need helped across the globe

$149 million

Worth of goods distributed across the world

394 loads

Of humanitarian aid shipped across the globe

14.5 million

Treatments and hygiene items delivered

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